
Balancing Vata Dosha


The soothing, warmth of an abyanga oil massage will balance Vata.

You have done the quiz and the verdict is in – you will benefit from balancing Vata dosha. Here are some essential tips and health recommendations to balance Vata. Don’t worry, we know it has become part of your Vata nature – but you are not alone! Vata is the ‘King’ of the doshas – it leads Pitta and Kapha astray. Vata is the first and easiest to become imbalanced. So dear Vata, let’s understand how it operates in your body when out of balance, and learn ways to regain balance, energy and clarity.

Vata elements

Vata is predominated by the elements of Air and Space – think wind (it is always moving), light, subtle, cold and drying; these qualities will increase when excess or imbalanced Vata accumulates in your mind and body.

Vata governs all movement.

Vata governs all circulation, transportation and communication in the physiology, including breathing and the flow of nerve impulses from the brain.

When Vata is out of balance or in excess, these functions may become disturbed – for example:

Poor circulation – cold extremities even on warm days, swelling, edema, blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.

Transportation – nutrients and hormones not reaching target cells and wastes accumulating in the tissues. Irregular digestion, cramps and constipation – yes constipation is a classic Vata problem.

Communication – Vata governs the sense of hearing; when out of balance excess Vata can lead to sensitive hearing and underlies imbalances like tinnitus and ear-aches. It also governs the nerve impulses from the brain; when out of balance can cause excess thinking, worry and anxiety, light or interrupted sleep, and restlessness; all are symptoms of Vata imbalance.

Breathing – out-of-balance Vata can disrupt the flow of breathing – breathlessness, hiccups, asthma symptoms, chest, throat and lung problems.

The good news is that when you balance the dosha (governing principle) underlying these imbalances, the symptoms will normalise!

Two ways to balance Vata

Understand what creates Vata imbalance and avoid doing it. Vata governs movement,

and excess movement such as flying in a plane will increase Vata in your mind and body. Reduce travel outside of work, avoid driving holidays, don’t rush.

Excess Vata is balanced by the opposite quality – if you travel a lot for work ensure you maintain a regular routine of waking, sleeping and eating, with ample rest and relaxation structured into your day to counteract the travel.

Vata qualities

Vata (wind) is drying, light, quick, cold, subtle, rough (think wind-burn) and leads the other doshas. When you have a Vata imbalance or excess, these qualities increase in your body.

Dry, rough skin, dry bowel (constipation and wind), a tendency to be underweight, worry, spacy thinking,( ever been called an air head?), quick to learn but quick to forget (walking into a room and forgetting what you came for), an intolerance of cold: all these are common symptoms of a Vata imbalance.

The good news is it can all be put right by increasing the opposite qualities – for example, if you are cold, increase warmth; eat only warm, cooked food, wear a scarf and hat when walking on the beach, holiday in Queensland not Iceland!

To balance Vata dosha follow these recommendations:

Regular routine

Early bedtime and lots of rest

Warm, cooked foods with plenty of spices like fennel, cumin and turmeric.


Abyanga Ayurvedic oil massage – warm, moist soothing oil…perfect for Vata.

Heavy, more unctuous diet – not fried food – add ghee and quality oils to your cooking. Eat fried rice not a rice cracker.

Use Vata-pacifying products from the Maharishi Ayurveda products range such as Vata herbal tea, Vata aroma, Vata massage oil, and Vata spice mix.

Listen to soothing music – remember Vata controls your hearing. Wind instruments and Maharishi Gandharva-Veda music are especially soothing. Avoid loud music.

Need more help and tailored recommendations? – see a Maharishi Ayurveda Consultant in your local area. Avoid changing many things at once, as change increases Vata. Start with a few simple changes.

Working out Ayurvedic body types is popular and fun, but not very practical for improving your current health. If you have an imbalance, it is more important to focus on correcting the imbalance first, regardless of your Prakriti or constitution. Ourdosha quiz is designed to help identify which of the three doshas needs balancing. If you can’t decide, start with balancing Vata.

For a comprehensive, more-complete assessment, and personal recommendations tailored to your unique state of balance,Find a Consultant in your local area.

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