
Overall health & health care costs

1. A 14-year preintervention-postintervention study retrospectively assessed government payments in Quebec, Canada, to physicians for treating the TM and no-treatment (NT) groups.The highest-spending 10% of 1418 Quebec health insurance enrollees who practiced the TM technique were compared with the highest 10% of 1418 subjects who were randomly selected from enrollees of the same age, sex, and region. TM participants had chosen to begin the technique prior to choosing to enter the study. Before starting meditation, the yearly rate of increase in payments to physicians between groups was not significantly different. After commencing meditation, the TM group’s mean payments declined $44.93 annually (p 5 .004), whereas the NT comparison group’s payments exhibited nonsignificant changes. After 1 year, the TM group decreased 11%, and after 5 years their cumulative reduction was 28% (p 5 .001). (Am J Health Promot 2011;26[1]:56– 60.)

2. A 14-year study of health insurance data retrospectively assessed government payments to physicians in Quebec for treating 1418 patients who learnt TM and compared to 1418 who were randomly selected from health insurance enrollees of the same age, sex, and region. Before starting meditation, the yearly rate of increase in payments between groups was not significantly different (p > .17). After commencing meditation, the TM group’s mean payments declined 1% to 2% annually. The comparison group’s payments increased up to 11.73% annually over 6 years. There was a 13.78% mean annual difference (p = .0017). The results indicate that the TM technique reduced payments to physicians between 5% and 13% annually relative to comparison subjects over 6 years. American Journal of Health Promotion 2000;14(5):284-91.

3. Studies conducted by the Japanese Ministry of Labour demonstrate improvement in overall physical and mental health in executives and other employees of both large and small companies after 3 months practice of TM. Anxiety, Stress and Coping: An International Journal 1993; 6: 245-262.

4. A study comparing 142 subjects who participated in a one week course of the Vedic Physiological Purification Program (Panchakarma) with 25 control subjects who participated in a one week educational program on MVHC using a self assessment questionnaire found that the treatment group had significantly more vitality, energy and well-being, greater strength and stamina, less fatigue, better sleep, improved appetite and digestive patterns and more balanced emotions. 80% reported clear signs of rejuvenation. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 1990; 5: 1-27.

5. A study conducted by researchers at the National Institute of Industrial Health of the Japanese Ministry of Labour, compared 447 industrial workers who were taught TM with 321 workers who did not learn. Over a five-month period, industrial employees practising TM showed decreased smoking, reduced insomnia, decreased physical complaints, and comprehensive improvements in mental health compared to a control group. Japanese Journal of Industrial Health 1990, 32: 656; Japanese Journal of Public Health 1990; 37: 729.

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