

hot-water-herbal-tea-sipping--w250h375Our digestive system is responsible for all the energy and metabolism that takes place in the body. We take in raw building materials in the form of food and liquid and transform it into our bodies. From our varied and sometimes chaotic diet, bones, blood, tissues, cells and organ systems are created. All the nutrients and goodness is extracted and made into fuel for our mind and body.

Due to the vital importance of the digestive system, if it is not functioning properly the effects are wide spread. Poor digestion can create havoc with our skin, congestion in our respiratory and cardiovascular systems, weakness in our bones, teeth and hair, impurities in our blood and allergies as well as the more localized problems in the digestive organs.

After a meal we should feel satisfied but not too full. We should feel lightness in body and mind an hour or so after eating. Regular bowel movements, urination and normal sensation of thirst are also indicators that our digestive system is functioning smoothly.

Maharishi Ayurveda recognizes the importance of proper digestion and takes into account not only what we eat, but when, where and how, as well as the nature of the person, current imbalances and strength of agni or digestive fire.


Balanced digestion results in stable energy and enthusiasm, mental clarity and a sense of happiness. If you feel tired or weighed down after meals, have low or changeable appetite or generally feel sluggish, chances are your digestion could use some improvement.

To improve digestion

  • Eat in a settled manner, turn off the T.V., stop working and put your attention on eating
  • Eat at a moderate pace, neither too fast nor too slow.
  • Eat according to your appetite, do not over eat.
  • Sit for at least 5 minutes after the meal.
  • Favour a diet of fresh fruit, vegetables and wholegrains
  • Eat your main meal at lunchtime
  • Eat at regular mealtimes instead of snacking throughout the day
  • Take herbal food supplements to strengthen and support all aspects of digestion and elimination
  • Avoid cold drinks and lots of liquid with your meals
  • Avoid processed food and leftovers
  • Avoid eating a heavy meal in the evening especially with red meat, cheese or chocolate

For more see also these topics
Do the dosha quiz, balancing pitta dosha, ayurvedic personalised diet and daily routines.

We offer a range of Ayurvedic cook books like Heaven’s Banquet and online cooking courses to assist you in creating delicious, balancing food to nourish and balance the mind/body.

Watch this video introduction

Our online cooking course are very popular or speak to a consultant near you, they sometimes offer Ayurvedic cooking classes or demonstrations from their location.

In Ayurvedic medicine, digestion is the key to maintaining health and longevity. A strong digestion means a strong body. Digestion is a reflection of your mental, emotional and physical state of balance.

Poor dietary habits, stress and environmental pollutants can weaken your digestion. A weak digestion results in the accumulation of toxins (known as ama in ayurveda), which in turn causes disease and aging. Signs of poor digestion and toxins are fatigue, lack of mental clarity, weight gain and recurrent infections.

Test your health

Ama Questionaire:

If you answer “yes” to the 2 or more of the statements below, you may have poor digestion, which is resulting in excessive accumulation of toxins in your body. That means it is time to seek out a Maharishi Ayurveda consultant for a health overhaul.

1.  I tend to feel obstruction/blockages in my body – constipation, congestion/heaviness in the head area, blocked nose, or a general feeling of non-clarity.

2.  When I wake up in the morning, I do not feel clear; it takes me quite some time to feel really awake.

3.  I tend to feel tired or exhausted mentally and physically.

4.  I get common colds or similar ailments several times a year.

5.  I tend to feel heaviness in the body.

6.  I tend to feel that something is not functioning properly in the body – breathing, digestion, elimination or other.

7.  I tend to feel lazy (i.e., the capacity to work is there, but there is no inclination).

8.  I often suffer from indigestion.

9.  I tend to spit repeatedly or have a bad taste in my mouth.

10.  Often, I have no taste for food and no real appetite.

11.  My tongue is often coated with a thick film, especially in the morning.


to prevent ama from accumulating and remove current ama thereby reducing the likelihood for it contributing to ongoing and furture disease.

Please note: This ayurvedic information is education. It does not replace medical advice or treatments.


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